Incredibly Useful Home Remedies for Fever in Adults Even in This Down Economy

Fever (1) is a common problem in adults as well as in children. We should not conclude that Fever is some kind of disease but it is like some other illness symptom.

It is due to the rise in body temperature. Fever occurs in response to an infection, injury, or the immune system's reaction to a foreign substance.

There are many home remedies that can be used to reduce the different types of fever. This comprehensive guide contains a compilation of the best home remedies for fever in adults.

adult is suffering with fever

Causes of night fever in adults

Night fever, also known as Sleeplessness, is a condition that occurs due to sleep problems. Although night fever is typically associated with children, more and more cases of sleeplessness in adults are being reported.

Sometimes, night fever causes due to several factors. Certain physical and mental illnesses can cause sleeplessness in adults.

Some of them are,

Insomnia is often associated with mental conditions like depression, obsessive-compulsive disorder, and anxiety disorders.

Someday night fever can be a symptom of certain physical conditions like diabetes, heart diseases, and thyroid disorders.

Other factors that can cause night fever in adults are stress, anxiety, and sleep apnea.

There are several reasons why an adult might experience night fever. It is important to determine the underlying cause before choosing how to get rid of a fever option.

Home remedies for fever in Adults

1. Basil:

When it comes to fever in adults, it should be known that basil is indeed a very effective herb in bringing the fever down. You can ensure that basil's effectiveness will be along the same lines as multiple antibiotics that are available on the market nowadays. By utilizing the healing properties of basil, you can get rid of fever quickly.


  • Basil leaves (lots of them), ginger, and honey.


  • Proceed to take about fifteen to twenty basil leaves and proceed to boil them in a bowl of water. 
  • Add one teaspoon of crushed ginger into the solution and continue to boil it till the quantity gets reduced to its half. 
  • Pour the solution into a cup and then add some honey to it.

How often: 

  • This basil tea must be consumed at least two to three times every day, till the fever subsides.

Best time: 

  • The ideal time to drink basil tea is during the morning or evening time.

Suggestions (if any): 

  • Ensure that you only use fresh basil leaves for this fever treatment, so that you can obtain the maximum benefits.

2. Garlic:

There’s no denying that when it comes to home remedies for fever in adults, you can always use garlic. Garlic (2) has multiple antibacterial properties because they contain sulfurous compounds, which are usually antifungal and antibacterial. Moreover, the warm nature of garlic can allow the body to lower fever through sweating.


  • One slice of garlic and a cup of hot water.


  • Crush the garlic and add it to the cup of hot water. 
  • Allow the solution to coagulate for ten minutes. 
  • Once done, strain the solution and consume.

How often: 

  • At least two times per day for fever in adults.

Best time: 

  • This garlic drink should be consumed in the morning.

Suggestions (if any): 

  • Make sure that the size of the garlic slice is big enough.

3. Ginger:

Talking about fever in adult remedies, ginger is a perennial herb and is native to the country of India and China. Ginger can help in eliminating your health woes like flu, cold, sore throat, inflammation, and fever. Ginger is said to have natural antibacterial and antiviral elements that can help in fighting the fever infection in your body and thereby improve your immunity.


  • Ginger, a cup of boiling water, and honey.


  • Start by grating the ginger first and then putting the same into the cup of boiling water.
  • Ensure that the quantity of grated ginger is 1-1/2 teaspoons. 
  • Proceed to add some honey into the solution and drink the same.

How often: 

  • This remedy must be consumed at least three to four times a day to regain normal body temperature.

Best time: 

  • Mostly during the morning as well as the evening.

Suggestions (if any): 

  • Ensure that the ginger you’re using is fresh and juicy.

4. Cilantro leaves:

The cilantro plant and leaves contain an antimicrobial compound, which can help your body to protect itself against illness and infections. Hence, you can utilize the same to control degrees of 102 fever in adults.


  • Lots of cilantro leaves and a cup of water.


  • Take some amount of cilantro leaves in a blender and then add some amount of water to it. 
  • Thoroughly blend the same and then strain the solution. 
  • Consume the strained solution.

How often: 

  • The solution should be consumed at least three times a day.

Best time: 

  • This solution is ideally consumed in the afternoon or evening.

Suggestions (if any): 

  • For this cold fever treatment, we only suggest using fresh cilantro leaves every day for making the solution.

5. Grapes:

Grapes are an excellent source of Vitamin C, which is an ideal nutrient for treating fever in adults at home. Moreover, grapes also contain other types of nutrients such as potassium, Vitamin K, and several other antioxidants.


  • Lots of grapes
  • ½ teaspoon of cumin
  • ½ teaspoon of fennel
  • ½ teaspoon of sandalwood powder.


  • Proceed to first extract the maximum amount of juice from the grapes and then add the additional ingredients. 
  • Mix well and then consume.

How often: 

  • The remedy must be consumed at least once each day.

Best time: 

  • The ideal time for consumption would be during the morning.

Suggestions (if any): 

  • You can use black grapes as well, in case you don’t like using white grapes for this Indian home remedies for fever.

6. Apple cider vinegar:

In case you’re unaware, you can utilize apple cider vinegar as an effective remedy to lower fever of 105 in adults. It should be known that apple cider vinegar has a slightly acidic taste, which helps in drawing heat from your body, thereby providing a cooling experience.


  • Two teaspoons of apple cider vinegar, a glass of water, and one teaspoon of honey.


  • Pour the apple cider vinegar solution into the glass of water and stir well. 
  • Then add the honey. Consume the same as a drink.

How often: 

  • The solution must be consumed two to three times for the best results.

Best time: 

  • Morning and evening are the ideal moments to consume this concoction.

Suggestions (if any): 

  • You can use a warm glass of water instead of a cold glass of water for this medicine for fever.

7. Peppermint:

Peppermint (3) is one of the aromatic herbs present in the mint family and is being used for its health benefits for thousands of years. Hence, you can utilize peppermint tea to normalize temperature fever in your body, since it contains essential oils like menthol, which provide a cooling effect to the human body.


  • Take some peppermint leaves, a cup of boiling water, sliced ginger, and honey.


  • Put the peppermint leaves and ginger slices into the cup of boiling water and let the solution stay for at least five minutes. 
  • Cover the mouth of the cup with a lid. After five minutes, open the lid and add honey. Consume the same.

How often: 

  • At least two times every day.

Best time: 

  • The ideal time would be during the early morning hours and before going to sleep.

Suggestions (if any): 

  • You can add some lemon juice when consuming peppermint tea to deal with fever with cold hands and feet in adults.

Fever symptoms in adults

When adults have symptoms fever, the best thing to do is to take their temperature.

1. Temperature:

A high temperature is rarely seen in adults. It is only rarely necessary to give paracetamol or ibuprofen.

2. Headache:

There are various causes of headaches. So it is important to try to find out the cause. This is how you search for the right kind of headache remedies naturally and effectively.  

3. Sore Throat:

There are various causes of the sore throat such as common cold, tonsillitis, etc. 

4. Cough:

A cough can be symptomatic of either irritation of the upper airways or the lower airways. Try some old-fashioned home remedies for cough and even cold too. 

5. Diarrhea:

This can be caused by a number of things including viruses, bacteria, and food poisoning. 

6. Constipation:

This can be caused by a lack of fiber in the diet or lack of fluids or exercise. 

7. Fatigue:

Causes of fatigue by a variety of things including anemia, overexertion, anxiety, depression, etc.

Fever with no other symptoms

There is a remote possibility that it could be dengue, but it is quite unlikely. A fever without other symptoms like rash or joint pain should not be dengue.

Another possibility of fever for 4 days no other symptoms is that they might have a viral infection like chikungunya or infectious mononucleosis. You can get tested for these viral infections.

Fever in adults when to worry

Fever above 103 degrees F (39.4 degrees C) is considered high and above 104 degrees F, it becomes a cause of worry.

In adults, high fever is usually caused because of an infection in the lungs (pneumonia), the urinary tract, or the kidneys.

Sometimes, a high fever may be due to a bacterial infection in the bloodstream (septicemia).

High fever in adults can also be caused by viral infections of the respiratory tract, typhoid fever, and so on.

All these fever temperature chart adult conditions need to be diagnosed by a doctor, because the symptoms may vary from person to person and from one infection to another.

For example, the symptoms of typhoid (4) fever are distinctive and not easily confused with other infections.

Recurrent fever in adults

Recurrent fever is a fever that occurs at regular intervals. It is a symptom of fever or some underlying disease. It is not an illness in itself.

The disease process may be in the body's tissues, or its blood or lymph system. Cycles of recurring fever may indicate an infection, inflammation, or cancer.

The cycles may also be caused by a reaction to a drug, or be due to stress. Recurring fever is not the same as malaria.

A person with recurring fever temperature usually has a low-grade (mild) fever, which is less than 100 degrees Fahrenheit.

The fever is usually not recurring in severity, with symptoms lasting for a day or two. Tachycardia (increased heart rate) is sometimes present.

Because of the fever, the person may have muscle aches and pains, fatigue, and sometimes chills. The symptoms may be worse on the days before and after the fever.

The person usually does not have a cough, diarrhea, or vomiting.

Fever comes and goes every few hours

Fever is a complex symptom that may be caused through many factors. Fever is usually not serious, but can vary in its severity. 

Fever occurs when the body tries to fight a microbial infection by increasing body temperature. 

Fever is the body’s way of speeding up the immune response, which makes it easier for the body to kill off the offending agent.

Simply, you have a fever and it comes and goes because your body is trying to fight it, but after a while, it can't and you get a fever again.

Fever at night gone in morning

This is actually a chance situation when the fever comes at night, and we feel better in the morning. If this is happening to you, then don't get worried.

This may happen when the body has reacted to a particular infection and the body tries to clear the infection by producing a fever.

This may also happen when our body temperature is fluctuating. This is also a symptom of some kinds of infections.

However, if you are not feeling better in the morning, and you are still suffering from fever and other related viral fever symptoms, then you need to check with your family doctor.

home remedies for fever in adults


1. How long should a fever last in adults?

Ans: In general, fever should last no more than 3 days. Make efforts some fever remedies for adults at home. But it’s always a good practice to check with a doctor immediately when adults or a loved one has a fever.

2. Can you have a fever and not be sick?

Ans: Yes, you can have a fever and not be sick. A fever is a rise in the body's temperature above the normal 98.6 F (37 C).

When you are sick, you have a fever and you have symptoms of illness. A fever by itself doesn't mean you are sick.

Fevers may not be associated with any other signs of illness. Sometimes they are a sign that your body is fighting an illness.

Fevers can help your body's immune system fight off diseases. But fevers can be dangerous, especially in infants and people with chronic illnesses.

A fever can cause even mental damage in adults. So if adults or you get a fever, call your doctor.

Read: What to eat when you have a cold

3. Does fever always mean infection?

Ans: Fever is defined as having a temperature greater than 37.5C. But the cause of fever could be many. Infection is one of the causes that you need to treat, but it is not the same as fever.

Some bacteria, viruses, and toxins can cause fever without infection. For example, viruses that cause colds and flu can cause fever without infection.

So fever itself does not necessarily mean there is an infection.

4. What is a safe fever for adults?

Ans: 99F (37.2C) is a safe temperature for adults, but 102F (38.9C) is generally a point where the body is just fighting the illness (5) and not getting any better from it.

If adults are feeling symptoms above 102F (38.9C), then you should get medical help so it’s beneficial and understandable how to bring down fever.

Because at this point the body does not have any defense left and there is a risk of infection and organ failure.

Final Note

There are many home remedies for fever in adults which are simple, inexpensive, and effective. Fever is a common symptom of different types of infections, but it is rarely treated in the same way.  The first thing you should do is to drink plenty of fluids and rest. You can use a cold compress if you are feeling hot.

Our adults are very foremost to us and it is our responsibility to take care of them hence it is important that we take immediate home remedies for their physical problems. You should consult a physician if the fever is higher than 102 F. 

Read: Mood Boosting Foods

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