Home Remedies for Nail Fungus: Treating and Preventing Fungal Infections

Onychomycosis, a common medical condition that affects both fingernails and toenails, is also referred to as nail fungus. It is a fungal infection that can cause the nails to crumble, thicken, and change color.

While seeking medical advice is always advised for an accurate diagnosis and course of treatment, some DIY home remedies for nail fungus can help control and lessen fungus symptoms.

home remedies for nail fungus
home remedies for nail fungus

Home Remedies for Nail Fungus

1. Turmeric Paste

The antifungal compound curcumin is found in turmeric.

How to prepare:

  • Apply a paste made of turmeric powder and water to the diagnosed nails. 
  • Rinse after 30 minutes of leaving on. 
  • Do it every day.

2. Apple Cider Vinegar

Because apple cider vinegar has antifungal qualities, it is a popular home remedy for nail fungus.

How to prepare:

  • In a basin, combine equal parts water and apple cider vinegar. 
  • Soak the afflicted nails in the mixture for 15 to 20 minutes every day. 
  • The fungus's habitat becomes uninhabitable by the vinegar's acidity.

3. Tea Tree Oil

The antifungal and antiseptic qualities of tea tree oil are widely recognized.

How to prepare:

  • Using a cotton ball or swab, apply a few drops of tea tree oil directly to the affected nails. 
  • To see results, repeat this procedure twice a day for a few weeks.

4. Baking Soda

Nail fungus can be treated with baking soda, an adaptable ingredient with antifungal qualities.

How to prepare:

  • Make a paste by combining baking soda and water, then apply it straight onto the nails that are impacted. 
  • After leaving it on for 10 to 15 minutes, rinse and completely dry.

5. Coconut Oil

Medium-chain fatty acids found in coconut oil have antifungal properties.

How to prepare:

  • Several times a day, massage the surrounding skin and affected nails with pure, organic coconut oil. 
  • Coconut oil moisturizes the skin and nails in addition to helping in the fight against the fungus.

6. Listerine Foot Soak

Treating nail fungus may also benefit from Listerine mouthwash's antifungal qualities.

How to prepare:

  • Use undiluted Listerine to soak those with painful nails for 15 to 20 minutes every day.
  • The mouthwash's antifungal and antiseptic components work together to help control the fungus.

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home remedies for nail fungus
home remedies for nail fungus

7. Proper Foot and Nail Hygiene

To prevent and treat nail fungus, maintaining proper foot and nail hygiene is essential. This involves using fresh, breathable socks, keeping the feet dry and clean, and routinely filing and trimming the nails.

Another way to lower your risk of fungal infections is to avoid going barefoot in public places like gyms, locker rooms, and swimming pools.

8. Oregano Oil

Nail fungus may respond well to the antifungal and antibacterial qualities of oregano oil.

How to prepare:

  • Apply oregano oil to the crippled nails with a cotton ball after diluting it with a carrier oil, such as coconut oil. 
  • After about 30 minutes, leave it on and thoroughly rinse and dry.

9. Hydrogen Peroxide

Nail fungus can be treated with hydrogen peroxide, which has antiseptic qualities.

How to prepare:

  • In a basin, combine equal parts hydrogen peroxide and water, then soak those with affected nails for 15 to 20 minutes. 
  • After that, make sure the nails are completely dry to avoid moisture accumulation, which could make the fungus worse.

10. White Vinegar

Because of its acidic nature, white vinegar, like apple cider vinegar, may help to create an environment that is unfavorable to nail fungus.

How to prepare:

  • In a bowl, combine equal parts white vinegar and water, then soak those with sore nails for 15 to 20 minutes every day. 
  • To avoid moisture retention, thoroughly dry the nails after soaking.

11. Garlic

Nail fungus may be treated with the help of garlic's related antifungal qualities.

How to prepare:

  • To make a paste, crush a few garlic cloves and combine them with olive oil. 
  • Wrap the injured nails with a bandage after applying the paste. 
  • After a few hours, leave it on and thoroughly rinse and dry.

home remedies for nail fungus
home remedies for nail fungus

12. Maintain a Healthy Diet

The immune system, which is essential for keeping off fungal infections, can be strengthened by eating a diet high in vitamins, minerals, and probiotics.

To support general health and immunity, include foods like yogurt, garlic, ginger, and leafy green vegetables in your diet.

13. Grapefruit Seed Extract

Nail fungus can be treated with grapefruit seed extract, a natural antifungal agent.

How to prepare:

  • Using a cotton ball, apply a few drops of grapefruit seed extract diluted in water directly to the suffering nails. 
  • After about 15 minutes, leave it on and thoroughly rinse and dry.

14. Essential Oils

The antifungal qualities of some essential oils make them useful against nail fungus. Examples include tea tree oil, lavender oil, and oregano oil.

How to prepare:

  • Using a cotton ball, apply a few drops of your preferred essential oil mixed with a carrier oil like almond or coconut oil to the afflicted nails. 
  • After a few hours, leave it on and thoroughly rinse and dry.

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15. Vicks VapoRub

Some people have reported success using Vicks VapoRub to treat nail fungus, even though this has not been scientifically proven.

How to prepare:

  • If desired, wrap the afflicted nails with a bandage after applying a tiny amount of Vicks VapoRub directly to them. 
  • Rinse it off in the morning after leaving it on all night. Continue doing this every day until results start to appear.

16. Dietary Supplements

The immune system and nail health may both be supported by some dietary supplements. Probiotics, vitamin C, vitamin E, and biotin are a few of these.

Before beginning any new supplement regimen, speak with your doctor to make sure it is safe and suitable for your particular circumstances.

17. Avoid Nail Polish and Artificial Nails

Artificial nails and nail polish have the potential to retain moisture and promote a fungal growth environment.

It is advised to refrain from wearing artificial nails and nail polish until the nail fungus has cleared up if you have it.

home remedies for nail fungus
home remedies for nail fungus

18. Olive Leaf Extract

Nail fungus can be treated with olive leaf extract, which has antimicrobial qualities.

How to prepare:

  • Apply diluted olive leaf extract with a cotton ball or pad to the affected nails. 
  • After about 30 minutes, leave it on rinse, and completely dry.

19. Cornmeal

Since cornmeal has antifungal qualities, it has been proposed as a natural treatment for nail fungus.

How to prepare:

  • Make a paste-like mixture of cornmeal and water to use as a foot soak. 
  • After soaking your feet in the cornmeal mixture for approximately half an hour, thoroughly rinse and dry them.

20. Epsom Salt

Magnesium sulfate, popularly known as Epsom salt, holds related antifungal qualities.

How to prepare:

  • Melt the Epsom salt in the warm water to create a foot soak, and then soak the afflicted nails for 10-15 minutes. 
  • In addition to reducing inflammation, Epsom salts are useful in the prevention of fungal infections.

21. Change Your Diet

Your nails and general health depend on eating a nutritious, well-balanced diet. Include foods high in important nutrients, like zinc, omega-3 fatty acids, and protein.

To support your body's natural defenses against infections, concentrate on eating a diet rich in fruits, vegetables, whole grains, lean protein, and other nutrients.

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home remedies for nail fungus
home remedies for nail fungus

22. Address Underlying Health Conditions

The risk of nail fungus can be raised by some underlying medical conditions, including diabetes or impaired immune function.

It is necessary to consult your doctor to address any underlying health issues to enhance your general health and reduce the possibility of recurring fungal infections.

23. Lemongrass Oil

The antifungal and antibacterial qualities of lemongrass oil make it a potential treatment for nail fungus.

How to prepare:

 Using a cotton ball, apply a few drops of diluted lemongrass oil like olive or jojoba oil to the infected nails. Before rinsing it off, let it sit for roughly 30 minutes.

24. Castor Oil

Nail fungus can be treated with castor oil due to its antimicrobial and anti-inflammatory qualities.

How to prepare:

  • Directly apply castor oil to the afflicted nails and gently massage it in. 
  • After leaving it on all night, rinse it off the next morning. 
  • Continue doing this every day until you start to see results.

25. Calendula

Calendula, popularly referred to as marigold, possesses antifungal and anti-inflammatory characteristics that may help manage nail fungus.

How to prepare:

  • Dried calendula flowers can be steeped in hot water to make a potent infusion. 
  • After cooling, put the wounded nails in the mixture for approximately 15 to 20 minutes.

26. Thyme Oil

Strong antifungal qualities in thyme oil can help in the fight against nail fungus.

How to prepare:

  • Apply a small amount of thyme oil straight onto the damaged nails by combining a few drops with a carrier oil. 
  • Before rinsing it off, let it sit for roughly thirty minutes. 
  • To get the best results, repeat this process every day.

27. Avoiding Sugar and Yeast

Limiting your diet's sugar and yeast intake could help in stopping the growth of fungus.

Reducing sugar consumption can help to create an environment that is less favorable to fungal infections because fungi feed on sugar.

Final Note

Even though these home remedies for nail fungus can help control its symptoms, it is fundamental to keep in mind that severe or lasting cases may require medical attention.

Looking for medical attention from a professional is required for an accurate diagnosis and treatment if the infection does not improve with at-home care or if it spreads.

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